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Student Feedback 

Brooklyn S., 8th grade

"Before this program, I thought I was doing a good job at school. I wasn't doing a bad job, but now I know I could've done a lot better. Before this program I wasn't in a great friend group and then I looked at all the traits we discussed and realized those aren't the traits my current friend group show. I have now found an amazing friend group. If I only did this program in high school it would have be too late to change my friend group." 


Brooklyn R., 8th grade

"I think that this program changed be for the better. I am a better person and more prepared to enter the world of high school. I'm glad I had the opportunity to do the program before I entered high school so I got a better perspective of who I want to be when I grow up. It made me think of my choices and decisions I have already made or what I'm about to make."

S.J., 8th grade

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"In my opinion this program has impacted me hugely. This program has mostly taught me how to not be selfish and to put things into perspective. Even throughout this year, I have gone through some troublesome times and I was able to use these skills to help me. And also, when there would be problems with friends I was able to ask myself what could be happening in their life to make them act this way and how can I help? This is new for me." 

"Your B.R.A.N.D. truly helped me this year! It brought out true, genuine emotions that haven't been used in ages. It truly gave me a new outlook on life overall."

Adrianna A., 8th grade

"Having the program to talk about character was very vital to me. Middle school is a big change for students and I believe having this program will help students get on the right path for success."

Heewon K., 8th grade

"This program was very helpful and we should continue to do it.
It's made me change how I view myself in the world and how I fit at school. Its helped me to think about the future and to take it seriously and to make the right decisions in school and life." 

Simran D., 8th grade

"I think that these topics really help us understand different real world things, things that we as middle schoolers should know and hear. We figure out that we are so blessed and that we should never take the simplest things for granted. We learn that the rest of the world is struggling. We learn that we can make a change but we have to work for it."

Jack E., 8th grade

"The program has definitely made me kind of open my eyes about how I think and its helped me become more aware about my actions. A lot of it is familiar to me, but doing this every week has helped me understand more and helped me build who I am."

Emilia S., 8th grade

"I am actually really happy that someone cares and I think it's important that someone wants the future to be better for me."

Baylie T., 8th grade

"This year I really enjoyed Your B.R.A.N.D.  I think this program was very useful to many students and has potential to greatly improve the lives of many young and impressionable students. I noticed an attitude change in many negative students. This change had a lasting impact on the dynamic of our choir. This program was very helpful and I am very thankful it was in use with my class."

Allie S., 8th grade

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